在上個世紀末, 我結束自己的公司到一家資訉科技公司上班, 應映老董要求
以產品行銷的立場到美國開拓市場。 我把美國劃分為東/中/西部, 花了6
個月的時間訪問預列的目標客戶, 了解目標客戶的產品市場現況及下一步
波士頓這個東北部的城市, 美國歷史上有一定的地位, 學術文化氣息濃厚,
我一直都很嚮往。 我到波士頓拜訪一家半導體零件供應商, 波士頓行程只
排一天一夜; 早上八點抵達, 九點拜訪供應商並共進午餐, 下午check in Copley
Square Hotel, 晚餐自理。
波士頓最出名的大龍蝦, 是的, 我問了hotel櫃檯, 他們推薦了"安東尼的4號碼頭"
(Anthony's PIER 4), 位於遊艇港灣旁, 我隔著落地窗看著藍天碧海, 直到夕陽落海。
侍者挑了一隻20歲的大龍蝦, 活生生的送到我桌前給我認可, 標準做法是水
煮, 沾熱融奶油吃; 我點了一支白酒, 當晚就龍蝦當晚餐。 過癮~
Copley Square Hotel是座超過百年古老的建築, 我的房間門是厚重的橡木門,
往內走過約3公尺的走道, 又是一道厚重的橡木門, 才到房間, 房間有一扇
面街的窗和另一浴室, 牆超厚約有2英呎, 我可以坐在窗台俯望街景。
吃完晚餐, 回到hotel洗浴就寢, 因為一早6點必須check out並趕7點半的飛機。
睡到約12點, 可能吃龍蝦沾奶油太油膩了, 肚子疼下床拉肚子, 拉得挺慘,
人很虛, 喝了點熱開水再上床關燈睡覺。
睡到3點左右, 我感到我的床劇烈地上下震動, 我第一個意識反應是地震,
尤其是上下跳動的是最危險, 可是腦中一轉, 我在波士頓呀, 有聽過舊金山
地震, 洛杉磯地震, 沒聽過波士頓有地震呀?
於是我想起床, 唉呀...我動不了! 我關了燈的, 黑鴉鴉的一片, 睜眼看不到
任何東西; 想到我住的是古老的店, 莫非我碰到髒東西了?!
想伸手拿床頭的護身符, 唉呀...被壓住動不了~
南無阿彌陀佛...., 南無觀世音菩薩....., 耶蘇基督...., 動不了~
靈機一轉, 不是聽過罵髒話可以罵走髒東西嘛!
我就罵"幹XX", 沒效, 動不了... (閩南語)
再罵"操XX", 沒效, 動不了...(國語)
啊~ 我在美國呀, 罵英語的"Fuck XXX", 我從一身冷汗變冒一身熱汗,
碰一聱! 我爬起來了, 開燈, 開電視, 洗熱水澡, ...
穿戴好, 包好行李, 看看時間是早上4點, 我就坐在床上, 開著燈看電視
不睡了, 熬到6點到樓下櫃檯check out, 趕飛机離開波士頓。
自此遭遇後, 我旅行不再住老店, 睡覺不關燈且開電視。
事後想起, 可能在人虛氣場弱的時候, 比較容易碰到怪事吧!
這輩子, 我就碰到這一次。
(以下有關該飯店資料, 查自維基百科)
The Copley Square Hotel is a hotel in the Back Bay area of Boston, Massachusetts. It was built in 1891 on Huntington Avenue and Exeter Street, and has the distinction of being the city’s second-oldest hotel in continuous operation.
The Copley Square Hotel opened on July 4, 1891. At the time it was one of the finest first-class hotels in the city, and its location was at the edge of the most aristocratic part of Back Bay, making it one of the most desirable places at which to stop. The hotel was convenient for the railroad stations, trading centers, places of amusement and the electric car service. The hotel (or house as it was called at the time) originally had 300 elegantly furnished rooms, single and en suite, with private parlors and baths. The original proprietors were F.S. Risteen & Co. and the total cost to open the hotel was $300,000.
The Copley Square Hotel was built near what is present day Copley Square. The square was named in honor of John Singleton Copley, the American painter, and is bordered by the Boston Public Library, Trinity Church, and Old South Church. The hotel's architect was Fred R. Pope. The seven-floor hotel is mainly constructed of brick. The U-shaped building is strongly supported by pilings driven to a depth of 70 feet below the street level.
The hotel was the election headquarters for President William McKinley, and has hosted many celebrities including sports legend Babe Ruth and jazz artists Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday and Duke Ellington. Most recently, in its lower lobby, the former Cafe Budapest, it was host for the filming of scenes in the 1992 comedy movie "HouseSitter" starring Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin.
On January 24, 2008, the Copley Square Hotel closed for a multi-million dollar property-wide renovation - emerging in January 2009 as a contemporary, luxury boutique hotel. The extensive project included thorough remodeling of all accommodations, as well as the lobby, restaurant, and miniBar (formerly Domani and the Original Sports Saloon).